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ARSO Continental Essay Competition


The Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) has launched the eleventh ARSO continental Essay competition under the theme; ‘Empowering consumers through standardisation to achieve rights to safe quality goods and services.’

The National Standards Bureaus in Africa under their continental standards body, the African Regional Organization for Standardization (ARSO) have been organizing Annual Continental Essay Competition for University Students in Africa since 2013, in a bid to promote appreciation of Standards in the Institutions of Higher Learning.

The winner of the competition at the continental level will walk away with USD1000, the first runner up with USD 800 and the second runner up with USD 500.

At the regional level, the winner will bag USD 500, first runner up will bag USD 300 and the second runner up, USD 200. At the national level, the winners will have the opportunity to progress to the regional level.

The competition is open to Citizens of all African Countries below the age of 35 years living in Africa and studying in a university/college recognized by the local National Council for Higher Education for or equivalent body in their countries.

To win, the students should;

  • Write essays of between 1000 and 1200 words in English or French, double spaced and presented in Century Gothic, size 12
  • Authors may use up to 50 words to describe themselves. Information should include their names, course and year of study, name, town and country in which their university is located. (N. B: this will not be part of the 1000- 1200 words)
  • Authors should provide their postal, physical, telephone and email addresses on the first page of the essay together with the title of the essay and information on the author.
  • Write the essays with a precise introduction and a general understanding of Standards, Standardisation and their relation with consumers
  • Give  explanation of  general challenges being faced by consumers.
  • Give explanation of solutions provided through the Implementation of Standards and and related policies developed nationally or continentally to address challenges of facing Consumers. Remember to relate with the theme.
  • Precise conclusion drawing from your arguments and personal opinion.

Submit the;

  • Essay in word document,
  • a scanned copy of the Registration form and
  • University ID of the author

Should be sent to [email protected]  by 29th February 2024 at midnight.

Essays that have been shown or accepted for other competitions, have been published in any form or focus on the work of a particular person, organization or brand name shall not be eligible for the competition and Participants are only allowed to submit one essay.
