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Harmonization of Standards at Regional and International Level

The Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) is a member of various regional and international standardization bodies that include the following;

As such, UNBS coordinates participation of Uganda in standards harmonization activities at these levels in order to ensure that Uganda’s interests are taken into consideration in the process.  The coordination is achieved through committees such as the TBS/SPS Committee, National Codex Committee

The participation of Uganda’s stakeholders in this process is discussed through the national technical committees who may nominate representatives. Stakeholders who express interest or respond to UNBS call to participate nominate their representatives through the technical committees. The committees agree on national positions on the agenda of the regional or international subjects before the representatives participate.

  EAC Regional Standardization Plan 2020 – 2023


Additional information on how to participate can be obtained through the following contact:

Peter Oryang

Principal Standards Officer - Regional and International Standards

[email protected]

Tel: +256 417333250

Mob: +256 772946620.


EAC RSP - 2020-2023  [ 4.2 MB ]