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National Metrology Laboratory

For establishing the authenticity of test results obtained either from laboratories of manufacturers or from other private or public laboratories, it is, inter alia, necessary that the instruments/equipment used by these laboratories for performing measurements/tests be calibrated.

The primary reason for calibration is to know the accuracy of measurements. Instruments may get damaged during handling and it is also possible that the readings given by the instrument may drift with the use of the instrument or because of its age. If a faulty instrument carries out measurements, then conformity of the product to the specification itself becomes questionable. Instruments should therefore be calibrated at the time of purchase and thereafter at regular intervals depending upon their use. There are also some instruments, which need to be calibrated every time before use.

Dimensional laboratory

Volume and flow laboratory 

Density and viscosity laboratory 


    Download Calibration Charges 2018-01-01


For more information, please contact:

Mr.Deus Mubangizi

Manager National Metrology Laboratory

Email: [email protected]

0417 333250
Mobile: +256 772494025




Calibration Charges 2018-01-01  [ 215 KB ]
Calibration Charges 2018-01-01  [ 215 KB ]