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UNBS Reviews Standards for Mattress

  1st October , 2021 ,       Hits: 2492

Kampala, 1st October 2021 - The Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) has developed a new foam mattress standard that specifies the requirements, sampling and test methods for foam mattresses suitable for domestic and hotel use. However, the standard does not apply to mattresses used for medical or orthopaedic purpose.

The new standard, US 202: 2021 Textiles - Foam mattress – Specification cancels and replaces the old standards. The main changes from the previous editions are:

  1. A change in the title to cater for other foam mattresses, such as expanded polyethylene mattresses;
  2. Inclusion of requirements for other mattresses apart from polyurethane mattresses;
  3. Adjustment of mattress cover requirements to cater for various materials that are available on the market;
  4. Inclusion of the dimensions for baby cots (mattresses);
  5. Inclusion of top skin requirements; and
  6. Deletion of classes and grades of mattresses.

The standard requires that mattresses be classified as;

Hybrid mattresses are those that contain two or more compositions or a mixture of materials e.g. both polyurethane foam and innerspring units.

Non-innerspring mattresses do not contain any innerspring units. These may be produced from foams such as polyurethane, latex, thermobonded polyester, polyethylene or any other resilient filling.

Additionally, the mattress cover must be;

All mattresses are required to meet the flammability requirements to reduce the risk of fire. When the mattress is tested, it must not burn for three minutes or more and should not burn beyond the gauge line.

Furthermore, manufacturers must ensure to label the mattress legibly and indelibly with a strong label on the outside of the mattress. These labels should include the following;

a) name and physical address of the manufacturer/importer/distributor and/or trademark, if any; and 

b) Country of origin, and;

c) Mattress dimensions shall be visible.

Therefore, consumers should look out for these labels in addition to the UNBS Q Mark while buying mattresses.

This Uganda Standard is available on the UNBS website here

Standards are developed when a need is identified by the manufacturers, consumers or government. A Technical Committee is then identified to take the project on and then stakeholders are engaged to receive their input. Finally, the National Standards Council considers Final Draft Uganda Standards (FDUS) and approves their declaration as Uganda Standards.

About UNBS

The Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) is a Government Agency responsible for developing, promoting and enforcing of national standards in the protection of Public Health and Safety, and the Environment against harmful and sub-standard products.

For more information, please contact:

Uganda National Bureau of Standards,

Plot 2 - 12, Bypass Link, Bweyogerere Industrial & Business Park,

P.O Box 6329 Kampala, Uganda.

Telephone: 256 417 333250

Toll Free Line: 0800133133

E-mail: [email protected]   /[email protected]  
