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  20th October , 2022 ,       Hits: 2588

The Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) with support from Advance Afrika under the Action for Livelihood Enhancement in Northern Uganda (ALENU) Project, has simplified food standards into easy-to-use guidelines and translated them to local languages (Alur and Acholi) to ease uptake and implementation of standards by Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).

The easy-to-use awareness materials were developed from twenty two (22) standards that include code of practice for hygiene, specficiations for food items including; Apiary, Local Poultry, Beans, Soy Beans, Tomatoes, Onions, Groundnuts, Freshware potatoes, Moringa and Vegetables, and have been translated to Acholi and Alur languages.

‘Standards are technical documents. For them to be well understood, it is important that we simplify them by writing them in a language that is easily understood to ease their uptake and implementation. That way, the benefits are realised by the users.’ Said Mr. Andrew Othieno, the  Manager - Standards at UNBS.

The target audience for these materials is in six districts of Agago, Amuru and Omoro in Acholi sub- region, Nebbi, Pakwach and Zombo in WestNile sub-region, with a focus on improving livelihoods through increased and diversified food production, enhanced market access oppportunties and better maternal and child nutrition.

‘In addition to simplifying and translating the food standards, we are going to train farmers in the selected districts on how to use them, because products must meet the standards to access markets.’ Said Innocent Sheila, The Director of Finance and Administration at Advance Afrika.

The Action for Livelihood Enhancement in Northern Uganda (ALENU) project funded by the European Union and supervised by the Office of the Prime Minister is worth Euros 4.3M and is aimed at improving livelihoods of 35,000 people.

‘The ALENU project started in 2020 and will conclude in April 2023. This intervention is focusing on production, marketing, health and nutrition for 200 farmer groups which translates to 5000 households, with each house hold having an average of 7 beneficiaries.’ Said Mr. Akera Dophline, MEL Officer at CARITAS.

We acknowledge the input and technical expertise from interested stakeholders including: UNBS, Applied Agribusiness Innovations, Chemiphar Uganda Ltd, Consumer Education Trust, DK Soya Company, East African Basic Foods Ltd, House of Dauda, Kyambogo University, Makerere University - School of Agricultural Sciences, Makerere University - School of Food Technology, Nutrition and Bio-Engineering, Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry & Fisheries, Department of Entomology, Nakku Food Safety Consult Ltd, National Agricultural Advisory Services, National Agricultural Research Organization, Ugachick Poutry Breeders Ltd, Uganda Fruits and Vegetable Exporters Association (UFVEPA), Uganda National Farmers Federation (UNFFE) and Uganda Poultry Breeders Limted.


Finally, we acknowledge and appreciate the media houses in attendance, the partners under the Consortium- Caritas Switzerland,  Advance Afrika,  Agency for Accelerated Regional Development (AFARD), and Gulu Women Economic Development and Globalization (GWED-G) . In a special way we thank the Government of Uganda particularly, the Office of the Prime Minister and the European Union for funding the process entirely.


About DINU-ALENU Action

Under the Development Initiative for Northern Uganda (DINU), a Government of Uganda programme supported by the European Union (EU) and supervised by Office of the Prime Minister, the Action for Livelihood Enhancement in Northern Uganda (ALENU) is implemented by a consortium consisting of four NGOs (Caritas Switzerland -Lead coordinator;   Advance Afrika, Agency for Accelerated Regional Development, and Gulu Women Economic Development and Globalization).


Objectives and Results

ALENU is a 40-month action that focuses on improving livelihoods through increased and diversified food production, enhanced market opportunities and better maternal and child nutrition in six districts of the West Nile and Acholi sub-regions.

Overall Objective:

To consolidate stability in Northern Uganda, eradicate poverty and under-nutrition and strengthen the foundations for sustainable and inclusive socio-economic development.

Specific Objective:

To increase food security, improve maternal and child nutrition, and enhance household incomes through support to diversified food production and commercial agriculture and through improving household resilience (notably to climate change) and women empowerment.

Result 1.1: Increased production of diversified food

Result 1.2: Increased market accessibility

Result 1.3: Improved nutritional status

For more information please contact Caritas Switzerland, Innovation Village, Plot 3B, Princess Road, Gulu, 0774 185 231, [email protected]; Advance Afrika, Plot 29, Acholi Rd., Pece, Gulu, 078 693 32 41, [email protected]