14th July , 2023 , Hits: 2405
A Joint Delegation from the Republic of Uganda led by the Senior Presidential Advisor and Chairman of the Presidential Advisory Committee on Exports and Industrial Development (PACEID) travelled to Elegu-Nimule Border on 8th July, 2023 to negotiate the release of Trucks that are loaded with assorted foodstuffs back to Uganda by the Authorities in the Republic of South Sudan. The Ugandan delegation included representatives from the Ministries of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives, Foreign Affairs, East African Community Affairs, Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS), Uganda Revenue Authority (URA), Private Sector Foundation of Uganda (PSFU) The Grain Council of Uganda (TGCU) and the Millers.
Although there were over Ninety (90) Trucks affected, only Twenty Three (23) Trucks which were still at Nimule Border on the South Sudan were immediately released, while those inside South Sudan were yet to be released.
Of the 23 Trucks released were confined to the Uganda Revenue Authority Parking Yard at Elegu One Stop Border Post (OSBP) where Sampling of the consignments was undertaken by Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) and witnessed by an Expert from the East African Community (EAC) Secretariat.
The 23 Trucks were carrying 27 assorted consignments which include Maize Grain, Milled Maize (Corn), Dry Beans, Sorghum Grains, Cassava Flour and Finger Millet Grains.
The above commodities were analysed using the applicable Uganda harmonised East African Standards listed below;
The analysis was undertaken in accordance with International Organization for Standardization – ISO 16050, Foodstuffs – Determination of Aflatoxin B1 and the Total Content of Aflatoxin B1, B2, G1 and G2 in Grains, Cereals, Nuts and Derived Products, using the High Performance Liquid Chromatographic (HPLC) Method.
Aflatoxin B1 is the most highly toxic and carcinogenic compound produced by certain fungi that contaminate crops such as Maize (corn) and other Grains. It is classified as a known human carcinogen and can cause liver cancer and other health issues.
Total Aflatoxin refers to the combined measurement of all types of Aflatoxins present in a sample and the measurement is expressed in Parts Per Billion (ppb) with the Permissible Limit for Aflatoxin B1 being a Maximum of 5 Parts Per Billion (ppb) and Total Aflatoxin Limit being 10 Parts Per Billion (ppb).
Accordingly, the Twenty-Two (22) consignments which passed the Aflatoxin Test will be released to the Owners for further management, while the Five (5) consignments which failed the test will be seized at Elegu Border pending their disposal.
The Bureau advises Traders dealing in the supply of the above commodities to comply with the requirements of Safety and Quality Standards and must seek Certification of such commodities from UNBS before putting them on both the Domestic and Export Market. Therefore, any commodities found on the Market which do not conform to the required Quality Standards will be seized and destroyed by UNBS.
The Bureau together with other Regulatory Agencies will intensify monitoring of Exports at the Exit Points to ensure that they conform to the required Quality Standards before leaving the Country.
The list of Certified Companies and Commodities can be accessed through UNBS website www.unbs.go.ug.
About UNBS
Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) is a Government Agency responsible for the Development, Promotion and Enforcement of National Standards in order to protect the Health and Safety of the Public and the Environment against Harmful and Sub-Standard Products; as well as Promoting Fair Trade Practices and Competition.
For more Information, Please Contact us on:
Uganda National Bureau of Standards
Plot 2 - 12, Bypass Link, Bweyogerere Industrial and Business Park,
P.O Box 6329
Telephone: 256 417 333250
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Website: www.unbs.go.ug