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  17th November , 2023 ,       Hits: 2029

The Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) is mandated by the UNBS Act Cap 327, to enforce standards in protection of the public against consumption of dangerous and sub-standard products. The same Act prohibits the importation, manufacture, sale, distribution or holding for the purpose of selling any product that does not meet compulsory Uganda standards.

The UNBS (Inspection & Clearance) Regulation 2022 also requires all products imported into the country to undergo UNBS Inspection and clearance, before their release to the market for public consumption.

In contravention of the UNBS Act and the UNBS (Inspection & Clearance) Regulation 2022, Ms. Senana Hypermarket exited container CMAU4408124 vide entry number C117121  comprising assorted supermarket food and non-food items, from the bonded Warehouse W0078 (Multiple) WITHOUT UNBS clearance.

UNBS made a field visit to Senana Hyper Market along Buganda Road on Tuesday, November 14, 2023, explained to the Supermarket Management about their contravention of the law and TEMPORARILY sealed off the premises for inspection of the goods in question, to ascertain their quality.

Ms. Senana is co-operating. Once the inspection is complete, and the goods meet requirements of the respective Compulsory Uganda Standards, the supermarket will be reopened.

UNBS urges all importers to ensure that all imports undergo Pre-Export Verification of Conformity (PVoC) at the country of origin to obtain a Certificate of Conformity (CoC). For products without the CoC, ensure they undergo Destination Inspection to obtain an imports clearance certificate prior to clearance of the products for the intended purpose.

About UNBS

Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) is a Government Agency responsible for the Developing, Promotion and Enforcement of National Standards in order to protect the Health and Safety of the Public and that of the Environment against Harmful and Sub-Standard Products, as well as promoting Fair Trade and Competition.

For more information, please contact:

Uganda National Bureau of Standards,

Bweyogerere Industrial Park,

Plot 2 - 12, Kyaliwajala Road,

P.O Box 6329 Kampala, Uganda.

Office Tel: 256 417 333250/ Toll Free Line: 0800133133/0800233233

E-mail: [email protected]
