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  30th August , 2023     HITS: 240

The Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) has called upon all butchery owners in the country to acquire the Uganda Standard, US 736: 2019 Hygienic requirements for butcheries, and ensure that their premises meet the hygiene standards.

The remarks were made during the hygiene standards sensitisation meeting with all Butchery owners in Kampala, held at the UNBS head offices in Bweyogerere, in line with the UNBS mandate of promoting Standards’ use in protection of public health and safety and the environment against dangerous and sub-standard products.

During the meeting, Ms. Rehema Meeme, a Standards Officer at UNBS noted  that it is important to ensure quality and safety of meat and its products to safe guard the health and safety of Ugandan consumers.

“During  UNBS recent  field inspections, we found some butcheries are built near sewerage channels, some lack appropriate sanitary facilities, in some butcheries, beef carcasses are not inspected and have no approval stamp, meat stays on the shelves for longer periods, use of pesticide concoctions on meat to chase away flies among other issues and these must stop  “ Said Ms. Meeme.

She further urged butchery owners to acquire the Uganda Standard, US 736: 2019 Hygienic requirements for butcheries, available on the UNBS Website via .

Mr. Awath Aburu, a Standards officer at UNBS shared some of the requirements of the standard with the butchery owners and urged them to strictly follow the general standards requirements and  guidelines as follows;

For Construction of butcheries, the standard requires that;

For Equipment, the standard requires that;

For Personal hygiene, the standard requires that Personnel should;

For operation, the standard requires that;

For transportation of meat, the standard requires that;

The butchery owners were also cautioned against; Using ropes to hang meat for display, Transporting meat in unauthorized vessels, Transporting nonmeat items in meat vessels, Use of unapproved/ unknown disinfectants, having live animals in the butchery, Using unapproved insecticides, Operating where there is no drainage and soak pit, Locating the butchery near refuse dump, stable, poultry house and road, Use of rusty equipment.

UNBS has further simplified the Uganda Standard, US 736: 2019 Hygienic requirements for Butcheries into easy-to-use guidelines and translated them to two native languages; Luganda and Swahili, for easier comprehension and implementation.

The butchery owners were grateful to UNBS for the eye-opening sensitisation and asked that the trainings are extended to all players in the meat and meat products value chain across the country.