24th April , 2024 HITS: 1393
Uganda through the Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) is hosting the 38th International Organisation for Standardization (ISO) Committee for Conformity Assessment (CASCO) Plenary and workshop.
The National Standards Council Chairman, Mr. Charles Musekuura officially opened the Plenary and Workshop in Kampala.
“As you deliberate on Standards, think about them (standards) being known and used. “ – Mr. Charles Musekuura - Chairperson, National Standards Council.
"UNBS considers the ISO/CASCO Plenary meeting and workshop a fundamental step in ensuring use of International Standards and conformity assessment to facilitate national, regional and international trade." - Mr. Nangalama Daniel Richard Makayi, UNBS.
The four-day event brings together National Standards Bodies from across the globe and liaison organizations such as accreditation bodies and certification body associations, to discuss issues regarding standards development, revisions of outdated standards, conformity assessment as well as ISO’s Action Plan for Developing Countries 2026-2030.